Tuesday, December 11, 2007

A Dialogue With Islamic Extremism

"I believe that, according to my religion you are the enbodiment of all that is evil, and I don't acknowledge your right to exist. Therefore, I will accept nothing but your total annihilation or domination by my group."

"There must be some middle ground. Let's talk."

"Ok. You give me everything I want, and I won't kill you. I'll just enslave you."

"That sounds equitable, after all, I wouldn't want to be insenistive to your needs, or profane your religion in any way. Where do I sign?"

"Thank you, I appreciate that. Here are your chains. Enjoy your time as a servant to radical Islam, and thank you for not fighting for your way of life."

"Your welcome. What kind of liberal would I be if I didn't validate other's culture at the expense of my own? After all, all cultures are equal, except mine, which is evil."

"I'm glad we see eye to eye on this."